
It's Just Emotions Takin' Me Over...

Emotions inspire artwork.
Emotions inspire writings.
Emotions inspire everything.
Should we not be inspired everyday?
In my Specialized Writing class this morning we listened to everyone's different columns we turned in. I was suprised by some and not so much by others.
Nevertheless, it made me think.
Not of my writing skills nor that of others, but what all I could write about.
It doesn't always have to be perfect. It doesn't always have to be inspiring.
Make it relateable.
Make it consise.
Make it clear.
That's all. Keep it simple.
It's funny that I just realized this because that's how I keep everything, simple. Complexity is not a favorite of mine.
I need to keep that in mind. Maybe I should tattoo the word simple on my wrist. Just when I think things are overwhelming me, I'll look down, and remember to keep it simple.
If it's not going to cause me harm, it's not a matter of emergency.
If it's not going to interfere with my future, it's not of importance.
If it doesn't mess with my finances, it can wait.
Live for today with no worries for tomorrow.


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