
And I Was Hoping You Were Creeping.... with me

Ambition is not a skill; it is a trait. However, it is a trait that all humans posses.
If you find yourself sitting on the couch wishing your life were better, you have not tapped into this skill yet.
As college students, we all have goals for our lives. Some want to be journalists, some want to go into Public Relations; others still have no idea what they want to do. One thing we all have in common is no one knows what their future has in store for them.
Our ambition is what gets us through the present into the future.
Personally, I am on a hunt for internships. I need that one door to open so I can put my foot in it. For me, it has not been that difficult in finding these opportunities. This week alone I have three interviews for three different internships. I credit my ambition.
Just as any other trait, ambition is structured by how one is raised.
My parents have always wanted the best for me.
When I was young, I had a cornucopia of interests. One week I would be playing tee-ball, the next week gymnastics, the week after karate, and the next week would be a mystery. No matter what my dreams developed into my parents were there to support me. From them my ambition developed.
Seeing others strive for the betterment of someone else encouraged me to better myself. This also led to my independent nature, I believe.
My ambition has only strengthened as I have grown older. I attribute all my interviews this week to my ambition. I attribute that I know I will go somewhere with my life to my ambition. I attribute my ambition to the two people who will never give up on me.


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