
What I realized about you...

To Whom It May Concern,
You took me by surprise. I wasn't really looking for anyone but you just kinda showed up. Things seemed good, all seemed right. For the first time in a while I allowed myself to break the walls down. Emotions that I hid from everyone began to bubble toward the surface. All seemed right. Like I said though, I wasn't used to this. I trained myself to never let anyone too close. The training program worked like a charm. Mistakes were made. However, it was mine to make. Nothing was serious. Nothing was set in stone. But nothing seemed right anymore.
I explained myself the best I could. But those emotions fizzled back down. I was retreating, and so were you. Nothing was right.
Giving up was my only choice. You left me no other option. But you kept appearing, by your choice. My mind couldn't handle it. It still can't. I really can't say I've moved on because there wasn't much to move away from. But all is right with me. Everything but you.

Now Playing: Coming to Terms - Carolina Liar

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