
Life is too big for these things...

It's taken me a while to write my first post. Not that I haven't been inspired or had the urge to write. There is just not enough hours in the day. So now I'm sitting here in my room, the cool breeze from the lake is coming through my window (finally), and I can't help but think of everything that's happening.
So many little things. So many big things. My life is like a whirlwind sometimes. The little things could easily bring me down. I could sit here and dwell on them, over-analyze everything, and be miserable. But they are little things for a reason. They're insignificant. The impact those minor defects have on my life is minimal. Yet that's all that has been on my mind today.
It first started with a text. The text was followed by an attitude. Loneliness followed quick after. I allowed myself to sink back into the little things.
But I'm not angry at myself for this, nor do I regret it.
Today I realized who I am again. I realized what I need to be doing.
Life is too big to worry about the little things. And it's too short to emphasize them. Each day has a purpose. At times it takes the whole day to figure what that purpose is. Little things get in the way.

NOW PLAYING: Hallelujah - Paramore

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