
Then I'ma Start Rockin Gold Teeth...

Sitting here in my parents house in my childhood room is pretty nostalgic. Where my bunk bed was once is now a computer desk. My chest of Barbies and toys is now a book shelf. And a piano sits where my radio that blared NSYNC and Brittany Spears once was. I see a few remnants of my childhood still lingering, however. My hammock of stuffed animals in the high corner behind the door. The Mickey Mouse head table lamp. A painted purple and green "paper weight" I made my father one summer. And my Indians flag.
This is my constant reminder of change. Everything around us changes daily. May it be our friends, our surroundings, our employment, our significant other, everything. Only a few things may stay constant. Those are called miracles.


I Can't Tell if it's Raining or Not

Just when you think things are going smooth a bump in the road arises. May it be a fractured hand or a realization, something always happens.
I was going through my phone earlier and noticed I started to write a post a few days ago while I was out of town. The title was Truth be Told...My coworkers and I were playing a game called "Questions". It's where you ask a general question and everyone has to answer, pretty simple. Now this must have inspired me in some way. The post was never finished but had a good start...
"I'm not a very open person. I tend to keep to myself and let things go. When someone asks me how I've been, I always say alright. Not to blow them off. But I'm not doing horrible. And I'm not living extraordinary either...."
Huh... The things that must have been going through my mind at that moment. I mean, of course I know who and what I was thinking about. But looking back at this I see how true it is. I always keep to myself. I could live by myself and be perfectly content.
I blame my independent outlook on my parents. They raised me to be self sufficient. I thank them every day for that. I've learned I can not rely on others. Humans are fickle creatures and sway opinions too often. Someone could support you 100% one day then be a tad skeptical the next. You don't know what's going on in their mind. Just your own.